After a couple of months, I’ve started to update again my blog, but at this time (on windows) I got a lot of problems installing, configuring ruby smoothly.
The Challenge
Easily configure and run my blog on any device without a pain
- I should be able to create a new blog post and update it on my OS
- the blog will run in Docker container and render the updated page as I type
The Solution
- a) Create a custom Docker image that will have all prerequisites installed
- all gems are collected from
- at the end the same rake command that we use from command line is called to build and start the blog
- all gems are collected from
FROM ruby:3.1.2-slim-buster as builder
COPY Gemfile .
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y build-essential && \
bundle config build.ffi --enable-system-libffi && \
bundle install
CMD [ "rake", "build", "start"]
- b) building the image
$ docker build -t pbrodner-site .
- c) running the “development” image and use current folder as a shared volume - so updates from HOST OS can be rendered successfully
docker run -v $(pwd):/site -it -p 4000:4000 pbrodner-site